Firstly, we hope that you have all been keeping safe and well during the lockdown – over the past few months, life has been turned upside down for all of us in ways we never expected. Here at Croft Acre, we have been working very hard behind the scenes, to put the right safety measures in place so we can welcome you back to Gower from 11th July onwards (as announced by the Welsh Government in their statement on 23rd June).
As you know, all the cottages at Croft Acre have its own private gardens, so there is plenty of space to roam and play. Our ethos is about giving families time to spend together which is so important, now more than ever.
Our priority at this time is the safety of guests and our team, which means that while some elements of your holiday will have to change slightly, we know that we can still offer you the Croft Acre experience you know and love. The additional hygiene and social distancing measures we’ll be introducing are outlined below.
As many of you will know, we already have very high standards. However, we will be increasing the level and frequency of cleaning in the cottages and communal areas with anti-viral products for your protection, and keeping very strictly in line with the COVID-19 Cleaning Guidance issued by the Professional Association of Self Caterers (PASC). The additional housekeeping may require some adjustment of arrival and departure times.
Hand sanitiser dispensers will now be situated in the cottages but we would appreciate you bringing your own small bottle of hand sanitiser to carry at all times for that extra peace of mind.
We do advise that you bring your own face masks, Board games and toys to keep the young members of your family occupied. Some of the toys and shared equipment are not available as it is not easy for us to clean between uses. We will be supplying wipes and anti-viral spray but suggest to bring your own.
The most important thing to remember is the need to keep socially distant at 2 metres to anyone outside your household, which includes us! We know this is difficult for children but please do your best to ensure that they keep a safe distance and that hands are washed after touching any communal services such as gates, door handles etc.
The new restrictions are driving innovation across hospitality businesses with most of restaurants and pubs still able to offer their services to you but requiring advance booking to ensure safe management of visitor numbers. To avoid disappointment please plan ahead and check their individual websites for opening details and how to book.
You can arrive anytime after 5:00 pm and check-out will be at 9:00 am. The doors will be kept open with keys hanging inside. We will be asking guests to strictly adhere to these times, which will be crucial to ensuring that we have enough time to clean our cottages following the Government guidance and distancing rules. In the past, we have been able to welcome early arrival and bag drop off but now we must ask that you pop local pub for a pint or coffee and wait until arrival time of 5:00 pm.
Removing bedding before departure – please remove all bedding and mattress protectors from the beds, but do not remove mattress encasements or comfort pads that are underneath additional mattress protectors which are laundered after use. Gather all towels, tea towels, bathmats, and any other items you have used into the laundry bags provided on the day before your departure. We kindly ask you to comply with this request for the safety of our housekeepers.
Most importantly please do not travel if you begin to feel unwell, or show COVID symptoms before your holiday. If you should become ill during your stay, you will be required to isolate and travel home as per Government advice.
We hope this information is helpful. We’d like to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure your and our safety. We will continue to update this notice with any significant changes as we receive the relevant information, and would like to thank you for your understanding, and for being patient with us during this unprecedented time.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or worries you might have and we will do our utmost to help.
Rest assured that we are here and doing all we can to make your holiday the best ever.
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